Rituraj Nagar

Hello, My name is

Rituraj Nagar

I'm Java Backend Developer


  • I recently completed 30 Weeks Full Stack Web Development course at Masai School.

  • Also I did Master of Computer Application in 2021 from Technocrats Institute of Technology(Excellence) and did Bachelor of Computer Science from Sect College of Professional Education and 12th and 10th from the Madhya Pradesh board in the years 2015 and 2013.

  • I worked on many projects during my Masai School journey. Some of them are clone of Gearbest.com and Max-Fashion.com using HTML, CSS, Javascript.

1200+ Hours of Coding
10+ Completed Projects
800+ DSA Problems

Back-End Development


Front-End Development



Data Structures

Data-Structures Algorithms


White Feather Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

(April 2023 - Present)

Coded web applications utilizing programming languages including JavaScript, HTML, CSS and AJAX.

Built web pages that are more user-interactive using jQuery, Plugins for Drag and Drop, JSON, JavaScript and

Created Typescript controllers for the different pages in the views using Typescript’s.

Worked with J2EE and J2SE technologies including JSP's, Servlets, Java Web Start, EJB and Web logic. Implemented JAVA Web Services based on SOA architecture with SOAP and WSDL.

Created stored procedures, sequences, tables, indexes, triggers, views on Oracle DB

Developed back-end stored procedures and triggers using Oracle PL/SQL, involved in database objects creation, performance tuning of stored procedures, and query plan.

Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer the amount to transfer applications that are remote and global to different financial institutions. Developed JSPs, Struts Actions and Action Forms, Tiles layouts and DB2 SQLs.

Developed Web Services to communicate to other modules using XML based SOAP and WSDL protocols.

Used Struts Model-View-Controller approach to help design new features and fix Jira bugs and requests.

Used Git, Visual Studio, Web Storm, and SQL Server Management Studio in daily development activities.

M-Pay Payment Wallet Application

M-Pay is a rest api which helps to keep the track of user login, wallet transaction, can add account to wallet and also can manage the transactions in the database.

Tech Stack

Java | Spring Boot | MySQL | Spring Data JPA | Swagger

Max-Fashion clone

Max-Fashion is an E-Commerce website that deals in multiple products for each segment of brand new designs, silhouettes, and fabrics items of clothing.

Tech Stack

HTML | CSS | Javascript

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Github Calendar
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Frequently Asked Questions!

Well, I think planning for the future at this age may bring depression if things don't go according to plan because we don't know what the future holds for us, so I am very open to whatever opportunities the future may hold. I pride myself on being flexible and adaptable. I think the best way to plan for the future is to make the most of the present.

Yes! I can work under pressure. And I'll make sure that I give my 100%.

I like to gather as much information as possible to aid in my decision, but I also consider how much time is available to me. Sometimes a decision needs to be made quickly, even if all the information can’t be gathered, so I weigh time versus information. Then I look at possible outcomes and the likely results of my decisions and make the best choice for my team and my organization with the facts available.

There are so many talented people here. I want to do a great job and let's see where my talents take me.